Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Arbuckle's Irish Cream

小綠眼公司的姊姊在office holiday lunch party上送大家Arbuckle's Irish Cream 咖啡粉。這包是這週的第二種調味咖啡了,第一包是公司的另外一位姊姊給的Godiva Chocolate Coffee。我們很少喝flavored coffee,總覺得怪怪的。

煮起來還滿香,不過沒有Godiva Chocolate的濃郁。

Monday, December 26, 2011


Xin 回西班牙看父母,和家人至比利時帶回來的。好吃!

2011 聖誕巧克力收藏之一


Wise words to remember

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Molasses Cookie 黑糖餅乾


Molasses Cookie像是"冬季限定",多半到了感恩節才開始做,在聖誕節時,屬於家家戶戶都要bake一下的。

今天終於有時間和心情做餅乾了,選了這個想做很久但是都沒有行動的餅乾。這次很認真的用了食譜上的奶油用量! (所以很不健康 XD)

1 1/4 杯麵粉
2 t 小蘇打
1 t 肉桂
3/4 t 薑粉
1/2 t all spice (丁香粉:黑胡椒: 肉豆蔻:肉桂=1:1:1:1)
1/2 t clove (丁香粉)
1/4 t 鹽
1/2 杯 奶油
1/3 杯黃糖
1 large egg
1/3 杯 黑糖漿

使用手沾水,製作2.5公分大小球狀,一邊沾糖粉。放置在鋪紙 (parchment paper) 的烤盤上

375 度 10-12 分鐘



Friday, December 16, 2011


老闆自從知道我要去到跑華府搖滾馬拉松去跑21公里後問我,你從跑步中得到什麼? 為什麼你要去做那件事? (Why do you do it? What do you get from it?)

我跟他說,這是我在一切生活和未來不確定中,讓自己維持清醒的方法 (maintain my sanity)。從跑步中獲得成就,告訴自己:如果我可以每週進行四天跑步訓練,每次至少跑五公里,維持18週,那我應該可以繼續在不知道未來在之下走下去。

那就是我的感覺。每當我到了臉書後就會有點depress。朋友們都有正當的工作 (工作,不是房子 etc),可我還在寫期末報告。


Saturday, December 03, 2011

Apple crisp 蘋果酥


Macintosh Apple x 2
Rome Apple x 2
Vanilla 1/4 teaspoon
Sugar 1/4 c
Lime juice
Nutmeg 1/4 t
Cinnamon 1/2 t
Jiffy pie crust mix 1 1/2
Oats 1 c
Egg 1

400F 15 min, 375F 25 min
Core and slice apple thin. Toss with sugar, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, lime juice, with apple.
Mix oats, jiffy mix and egg. It will look crumble. Pour apple into glass dish, spread crumble over them. Bake.crumble

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

June 8

No morning meeting
Weed cleaning not thorough

June 9

Intern edu session is not schedules at a regular time.

Finish weeding and need to call for next assignment.

Are doing nothing.

The income from member shares support the operation of the farm, including salaries and other overheads. The manager makes less than 15000 per year. Intern makes 500 per month.

Anything with seeds is fruit. Peas, cucumber, pumpkin...

Beans are planted after rain when the soil is crumble yet not chunk.

Plants are vulnerable when it is watered. So too much water is bad

Peas need to picked everyday. The plants will produce more.

June 8


Snow peas like cold temperature so the weeds are fine because they create shades.

Garlic scapes: garlic forms cloves after the scapes are cut. The scape are two weeks per season.
Idea for cooking garlic scapes: stir fry with bacon for pasta.

Differences in standards make text communication inefficient. The manager text jobs of the day. But the interns have different standards and so they weed thoroughly than needed. As a result, the beds was used for direct seeding which was not the original plan.

No water irigation and so water by hands. Will is broken and not fixed, at least two weeks.

The board do not do strategic planning.

Monday, November 07, 2011





Sunday, November 06, 2011


Hoegaarden, Belgian wheat beer.
Sunday afternoon...ah,


November chill



Wednesday, November 02, 2011



Thursday, October 27, 2011

No impatience please

You don't get to be impatience with me. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. I deserve to be respected, including being treated with patience. Go sign up for something else if you don't want to. Seriously, not joking.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wedding cake

今天上課Politics of Health,老師給我ㄧ個經驚喜!她準備了杯蛋糕慶祝我結婚了。


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Yoga under the sky

今天的瑜珈課在學生活動中心/餐廳前上課。我們在棚內但路過的人都很好奇 。在天空下的瑜珈經驗很棒,像是被活化(liberating) .

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A new adventure

A new phone. A new experience

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The season

I feel vulnerable and I am not particularly well. I don't know what's wrong, maybe it is the season. I long for the sunny days when the warmth of the air cheer me up. The sense of security from the I don't know what. October is a brutal season.

I have been in this state of mind for four days. Experience tell me that why the mood comes, all I can do is wait. Patience is time, time is patience. I can only wait for it to pass by.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011





Monday, October 03, 2011




小綠眼和我看了對方,我心想,大概是有人找錯門了,所以就不予理會。過了幾分鐘,門鈴又響了。這時我開始覺得很恐怖! 是壞人嗎? 美國郊區人在自家被謀殺的電影情節在腦中閃過。大門的位置剛好可以看到廚房的動靜;外面天還很黑,廚房的燈是亮的,我們看不到對方,對方卻看得到我們。我拿起無線電話,我問小綠眼說,我們該打給警察嗎,這種算是emergency嗎?我走到餐廳,發現車門口停了一台車,車燈是亮的。我心想:歐,這個人是針對我們這戶,我該怎麼辦? 這樣應該qualify emergency吧? 警察來不及來怎麼辦?! 總總嚇死人的念頭閃過。

我於是撥了911,這可是我人生中第一次撥打911。警察問我的地址,他問我車子的顏色、特徵。我回警察說,外面那麼黑,我看不出來啊! 警察問我對方的特徵,我說從家裡看不見,只知道是中年男子。警察說,如果對方離開你再撥打回來。於是電話就結束了。

對方還在外面,警察又沒說他們會不會來。我只好期待又patrol car會過來。

這時,這個男子又走進大門敲了門 (我實在快被嚇死了)。小綠眼說要上樓,我說大門旁的窗戶看得到屋內。過了不久,小綠眼說,對方已經遠離大門了。我們彎下腰,迅速地跑上樓,從客房的窗戶往外看。外面的男子帶了帽子,穿白色長褲,看起來180公分高。門鈴又響了,我對小綠眼說:我們忘記帶刀子上樓了。




警察在臨走前開玩笑一番 (實為抱怨,小綠眼說),警察說:你看這人一身高爾夫球打扮 (心中os:我又不打高爾夫,哪知道裝扮阿),又開BMW (心中os: 誰看得到那是BMW阿,更何況壞人也可以開BMW阿),他長得哪像壞人阿??? (心中又os:壞人臉上又不寫 - 我是壞人,請遠離我)。


Thursday, September 08, 2011

A Journey About to Begin

In about 9 hours, my roommate will drop me off at the train station; I will hopefully arrive at NYC at noon. For lunch, I plan to eat Pepeye's. They say it is better than KFC (no, I don't think KFC is good at all...). I'll then take Subway E toward JFK airport. It should take an hour. The flight is at 4:45 p.m., so I at least have to arrive by 2:45. This means I have to leave NYC Penn Station by 1:30.

I am so nervous.

This is probably the real me. I may seem "tough" (my boss has been describing me as the "tough sister" lately), but the inside, I am jello... indecisive...can't even decide what I should wear on the plane (Haha).

I will land in L.A. and wait for four hours. I can't decide whether I should go try "in-and-out." It is famous for the burgers...but I don't feel like burgers...maybe I'll ask the Taxi driver to do a drive-through...Honestly, I rather sit in a bar and drink Margarita. Booz...so me.

At 1 a.m., I will board the flight. It is a many hours flight, five movies maybe?

I am packed, I have schedule a breakfast date with my aunt. We'll have 蘿蔔絲餅 with 7-11 coffee. Such an interesting combination, but so me. There is just a tiny problem, I have no idea where my grandmother used to buy that.

I think I will go shop for bra and shoes after that...Problem again, I have no money. My aunt owes me about 2 grands, but the items I purchased for her is at my husband's place...Urg...

The truth is I am VERY nervous. This seems so surreal. I booked my tickets in January and tomorrow is the day...Tomorrow, I will being the journey and I don't feel prepare. Ah....

It is absolutely understandable if you have no idea what on earth I am talking about. I don't think that was English at all.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The perfect world - 就聽我抱怨吧



後來用看到一個親戚的FB相簿。有時我在想,同一個地點(火車上),照了3張只有臉的照片照片、然後到了一間餐廳,又照3張臉的照片,BTW臉占了照片的1/2,另外1/2是另一個臉。這樣的照片有何意義。身為一個看照片的人,我既不知道你去了哪裡,也不知道那好不好玩好不好吃,那有什麼用處嗎? 人又沒長特別漂亮。


Saturday, July 09, 2011


HealthChoice Wavier Evaluation真是一個讓人想死的。我們的評鑑/評估跟台灣的應該有點不一樣,基本上我們是幫client(我們的client就是健保局...)製作評估報告。這評估報告做了大概10禮拜。

Proc freq (SAS Commend)
bar chart

辦公室e-mail inbox的每封信開頭都是
HealthChoice XXXX

阿! 這就是我的工作阿

Saturday, June 18, 2011



Shadow of Times
Calcutta, India

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A 型人格

今天肚醫師跟我說他的新朋友對我的評價:追求完美以致於給自己壓力太大。肚醫師又分享他先前做grand round時看不懂paper,最後他導師給他的評語:給自己壓力太大。

我反問肚醫師一句,那他們有說如何不要追求完美嗎? (like technically, what are the approaches and methods)


Wednesday, May 04, 2011


I am so angry. Is shit-rain an actual term? (Or shit-rains, raining shit...?)

How stupid can the UPS be? World class logistic my ass. The driver obviously did not deliver the package to my door step. In fact, he didn't even ring the door bell. Yes, I am certain the driver is a he. All the UPS drivers are male, most of them have muscles and good looks. Yes, that's also a fact. My friend who worked for Fedex during college said he felt like being harassed by all the ladies and blank.

Before UPS was the carrier from USPS (United State Postal Service). The carrier was just too lazy to check that the package was supposed to be forwarded. Then the other USPS workers are just lazy as well. Seriously, first you told me it is not there; then it shows up magically and you send it to Chicago for it to transit to Taiwan (knock on wood).

And what is it with everyone in the office. The all-about-sex colleague is not doing data analysis. But it is data analysis season (it is always data analysis season). There are tons of data and you are on data analysis probation?

Then there is the other colleague who works exactly 5 hours each day (we are on 5 hours shift). Like when the clock tick 2:00, the colleague is off to do his/her own business. Really?! So then occasionally he/she works 20 extra minutes (for example), then he/she will send an e-mail (yes, you read it right) to our boss: Hi boss, I work extra 20 minutes today. Seriously, I work overtime nearly everyday. (Okay so I want to keep my job, eat me).

It's like crap rain. Ever heard of that expression? Most likely not cause I made it up.

So last week at the monthly supervisor meeting, I told my boss that "my observance (not complain) is almost everyone in our unit is unhappy." So she asked me why. I said, "well, A is unhappy, maybe because we have the annual evaluation. B has been unhappy for the past few months. C is upset. D says A is 'giving her crap' and I quote that." So my boss responded, "A is anxious because the new client is rather high maintenance. C is upset and I am okay with that. He should be upset. B needs to go home."

She skipped D, I guess there is no much to say about D.

Okay, so after a page long of venting, I now feel much better.
People are just crazy. Oh and the drugstore messed up my purchase today but I am waaaayyyyyyy too tired to fix it. For God's sake, (and forgive me for saying this), but they are just plain stupid. I am so sick and tired of them that I may as well as start using department store beauty products.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Never Say Never



Sunday, April 24, 2011


今天我們又去港灣步道練跑步。四月小綠眼和我的目標是要從Canton跑到Henderson's Wharf Inn,來回約6.5公里。跑到一半卻下起了大雨。






附上跑步路線圖 (從右邊的canton跑到圖上的左邊Henderson Wharf再折返)


麵粉 4 C
酵母 1 1/2 t
白糖 1T 1t
溫水 1 1/2C
鹽 1 t

青蔥 一把 (8大支)

發 三十分鐘
翻轉 發一小時

425度 25分鐘 (需要修正 底部焦掉)

Friday, April 08, 2011

idiot proof巧克力蛋糕


糖 1 杯 (白和黃各1/2)
麵粉 1 3/4 杯
baking powder 1 1/2 t
baking soda 1 1/2
可可粉 3/4 杯
鹽 1 t
蛋 2
無糖yogurt 1 杯 (也可以用sour cream)
油 1/2杯
熱水 1 杯

將粉類篩過,接著加入蛋、yogurt、油 攪勻
攪勻 (差不多就可以)

350F 25 min
這次是用長方形的金屬盒 裡面舖 parchment paper

note 1: 原來的食譜用兩杯糖
note 2: 沒有yogurt or sour cream, 就用milk+ 1T 醋

沒有照片 因為被吃完了

Monday, March 28, 2011



the body shop aloe
loreal bare naturale mineral
city Veil

Ageless Essentials® Continuous Hydration Night
Neutrogena Ageless Essentials Continuous Hydration SPF 25

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



辦公室來了一個法律系的實習生,他拿了一個粉紅色的Le Pliage (我也不知道怎麼念,這是法文)。後來去波士頓,看到每個妹手上都拿一個這樣的袋子。款式簡單,顏色豐富,讓我很納悶為什麼大家都拿一樣的袋子。






原來這個包是 Longchamp (long champion的縮寫? 長冠軍?)的Le Pliage。共有12個顏色。要價USD$145。材質:聚醯胺(尼龍)。



Sunday, March 20, 2011


2006年 6篇
2007年 18篇
2008年 12篇
2009年 71篇
2010年 48篇

(我剛才excel做了直方圖,本來想要依據標籤再做一個圖,但是很多文章都沒標籤。做研究不謹慎,data collect不齊全,要加強)






+++ +++ +++
又是一篇浪費版面的廢文。寫作是一種therapy;直到我能說得出真心話前,我都會一直處在現在的泥沼中。孤獨的一個人憤怒。uurrggghhh >"<

* 根據教育部國語辭典簡編版,

1.禮記 禮運 幼而無父和老而無子的人



A time for everything
Ecclesiastes 3:1-
A Time for Everything
For everything there is a season,

a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest
A time to cry and a time to laugh
A time to grieve and a time to dance




Sunday, March 13, 2011


好 所以我超遜的,只是因為機歪的總體經濟分析把我搞的要瘋掉,昨天遇到智障的店員,加上未來一整個不明朗,所以我想要滾回去了。

Wednesday, February 23, 2011




Sunday, February 06, 2011




Friday, February 04, 2011



遇到笨蛋又只好默默接受 (不然要怎樣,事後跟老闆說他是笨蛋嗎?)




Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Week 2 class 1


He is arrogant. He constantly saying: do you know what I mean. He sets the rules that students should communicate to him in person because he does not listen to voice mails and have too many emails. He also said he will not reply to emails.

First, he does not show appreciating of students' questions, especially when the questions is simple but crucial. For example, what format does he want for the assignment. One student asked, "what is the font, size, etc?" He replied, in a way that the student asked a stupid question, " the standard size 12, margin one inch." He suggested that students' ought to think if the font is too small, it will be difficult for him to see. Another student inquire about spacing. He replied as if it is a dumb question that "it should be single space...the assignment is one page only. I don't want 250 words..."

Two, he give students nicknames. For example, he called some "math guy."

Three, he does not seem to prepare for "this" class. The slide used in this class was originally prepared for a speech outside of UMBC. In addition, this was not the topic listed in the syllabus. He said he was jump around, talking about what is the interesting topic or current. However, this course is a in a seminar format. Thus, the randomness is not all that appropriate.

Finally, throughout the class, he showed that his personal preference and interest is more important. Some examples include do not expect him to reply to e-mails or listen to voice mail (consequently, if message is not delivered, the student is accountable); set tedious rules on how the assignment should be turned in (e.g. Assignment # 1 3 Euro questions). While these are tiny things, it just show that this person is inconsiderate of others.

The classroom should not be a extreme unbalance of power, especially at higher education. Instructors and students should be mutually accountable. This is a required course for the students, so students have no choice but to take it. Is this instructor the only person to teach this course? Is this his choice of teaching it? If so, does that grant him the right to be a tyrant in the classroom?

Monday, January 31, 2011

1. 我太小隻
2. 我太小隻
3. 我太小隻


Friday, January 28, 2011


Pear and Ginger Cake

去年感恩節之後,迷上於薑汁和黑蜜糖 (molasses)的香味。試了幾種molasses的蛋糕,但是都過於黏膩。


食譜中用的allspice可用cinnamon, clove, black pepper nutmeg取代。基本的組合是1單位allspice需要cinnamon (1/2) and clove (1/2)。但是也有人加nutmeg and pepper。我就是每樣都用1/4單位。但1/8t實在很小匙,所以就自由心證啦。

小綠眼說很好吃,叫我把食譜留下來 (真難得)

1 1/2 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon ground allspice

1/4 teaspoon salt

2/3 stick unsalted butter

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar

1/2 cup molasses

3 large eggs

1/4 cup grated peeled ginger

1 pear

將烤盤上塗奶油再裹麵粉 (我是用9x13x2

  1. 篩麵粉和乾料
  2. 奶油和水一起融化
  3. 黑蜜糖和糖打勻,加蛋(一次一個)
  4. 加粉類攪勻 (輕、柔、勻即可)
  5. 加入奶油水和薑
  6. 倒入烤盤,把西洋梨隨意排一排
  7. 35分鐘


Sunday, January 23, 2011


People hate to change; I am no exception.

今天不知怎的想幫網誌換新造型,沒想到除舊布新(成語是動詞嗎? 應該是要用"欲"除舊布新嗎?)的下場就是只能選新範本,再也無法(這並不全然是正確的;我可以修改html) 在照片上寫的"Happiness Will Come Through",然後下面接一串"成就快樂巴拉的"。(恩,我嘗試了一小時;青春阿~)

昨天出門洗衣服前開了實體信箱(有個郵差會把信件放入的那種),收到一張明信片。隨便看了一眼,關鍵字: 西岸、happy birthday、merry christmas、寄件人XXX。



這是數月來其中一件令我忿忿的事,但我怎麼這樣計較? 沒有感謝別人的祝福,卻想要在"明信片"上寫 "查無此人" (郵件若有寄件者地址,信件會被退回;但明信片沒有"from: whom and where";想要寫"查無此人"這個衝動足以凸顯我的荒謬。)





2010年 三月 星期五 紫色金剛車壞掉

It isn't really about "a broken car." It is the shock.
To say it was a trauma would be overrated.

I was on the bridge, in the car, and trying to speak. I tried to stay calm but my heart was racing. It isn't even rational. But I didn't know whom I could call for help. The only phone book I have is the numbers in my cell, and there aren't that many numbers.

I sat there waiting for my car to be repaired. The clock ticked and ticked. From 10 to 12 to 2 to 4. I didn't know if I should go ask them or if I should stay put. I didn't know how much they'd charge me. I didn't know how much it would cost me. I didn't know if I have enough money. I didn't know if I don't have enough money, would that person let me leave. I didn't have a credit card.

I remember vividly that I took 100 cash into my purse that morning. I usually don't bring cash with me. I almost brought a camera, just because I thought I might want to take a picture of dad and I at the airport. I didn't wear socks because I figure I would be home soon. I didn't eat breakfast because we left at 5:45. I only had two sips of coffee.

That day was colder than usually.

I watched MTV for 9 hours.

Then we were told that only three cylinders are working. We drove back on 295 and the temperature was too hot. The alert sound keep went off. We were told not to go over 50. When the speed is too low, the car starts tumbling.

Then I called the repair shop. He told me to go to a gas station and check the water. I don't know which is the water tank. We go off the highway, but we couldn't see a gas station. We had to make a decision on which way to turn. It was dark and cold.

Then the car cooled down but we can't get the engine to start and run. We tried and tried. We successfully drove 50 yards, then the engine went off. We were in the middle of a intersection. There were cars behind us. We tried and tried. Then we slide into a residential parking lot. We had to make a decision.

Then i called my auto mechanic's shop but it was answering machine. Then I called his Dad's shop. The number was redirect to his cell somewhere and he couldn't hear me at first. I was afraid that he doesn't know me. But then he probably did.

I called the tow truck. He asked me where I was. I couldn't clearly describe my location. He asked what streets am I on. I ran out the car to check. I told him I am opposite of Harley Davidson Motorcycle. I was outside the car looking at the street signs, Wei was yelling from the window: tell him we are opposite the Harley Davidson shop... He asked for my name and number, told us to wait around 45 to 60 minutes, then we hang up. I called again because I forgot to ask if he can give us a ride back. I also asked for his name. Then we waited and the tow truck came. It was cold. My feet were cold.

It was a fancy tow truck. Not the kind that leave your rear wheels rolling on the ground. The kind that your whole car is on the truck. The interior was fancy. I knew it was going to cost a lot. I didn't have a choice. I didn't ask the price. I knew I didn't have to pay him because the car will be towed to the repair shop and the Dad will bill me later.

What if I didn't bring my cellphone like I usually don't.
What if I didn't have 700 dollars in my checking account to pay for fixing the car a the garage.
What if I didn't have the 100 dollars of cash to pay for the first tow.
What if no one picked up the phone that morning.
What if Susannah hadn't help us find a tow company.
What if I didn't have the number to the Dad's shop.
What if the Dad didn't pick up the phone.
What if my cellphone battery died.
What if Wei's cellphone battery also died.

For the whole day, I ate a piece of bread, a hot dog, a can of root beer, a tiny candy, and two sips of coffee.
I came home at 9:30 and ate pizza and beer.

I am frightened. I can't tell Wei about this. We hadn't been able to get along for two days.