Friday, August 23, 2013



uh...這些事情只能用瑣碎來形容...不過我今天終於catch up on很多items,所以可以坐下來寫雜想。

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好幾年前,當我開始和醫師交往後,知道的人都會說:唉呦,以後當醫師娘喔。然後用模糊語言明示或暗示醫師娘好命呦(i.e., 在家數錢)。


我知道有免皺襯衫,我也買了免皺襯衫。我們家的每一件上班襯衫都"應該"免皺,所以我一直期待這些衣服乾了會很挺。實際上是這些襯衫洗好乾了後都還是"不挺"。老闆昨天把一件上衣和一件褲子放到我的梳妝台上,說要提醒我燙衣服。結果我對老闆說:你放這裡只會被我丟到地上,不會有"提醒"的功效。哀,到了美國我都燙前面、後面、袖子、領子,連口袋都燙 (vs. 以前都只燙白袍遮不到的地方,如前面)。



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想念喜歡的人是很正常的事情 我在揉麵糰的時候終於想懂了早上的對話
愛情 愛情讓人快樂讓人哀傷 想念阿 在乎一個人 每一個呼吸 時時刻刻 有一天 你會感覺想念一個人而他就坐在你旁邊 那是真的想念的心痛
想念 愛情 感覺 喜歡 傷心 在意 患得患失 親愛的小孩阿 這是很正常的阿
愛情就像學游泳 傷心就像嗆到水 多喝水沒事沒事

* * *
今天又做了水餃囉! Dumplings made from scratch.

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樓下喜歡聽的音樂類型很多,從流行音樂 (I won't give up by Jason Maze)到某種不知道的disco pop(?)。

所以我剛就拿了一盤(六顆)剛起鍋的韭菜豆腐豬肉煎餃去巴結鄰居。他還很關心的問音樂有沒太大聲 (@@...)。但是他很開心喲!

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最近胖包超人的原料和麵包又吵得沸沸揚揚啊! 要怎麼說呢? 其實食品健康的問題早已爆炸了,只是大家都不知道(或是忽視)而已。我們以為的食物根本就不是我們以為的食物。舉例來說,外面賣的蘿蔔糕沒有籮蔔絲,怎麼能有蘿蔔味? 就更不要說餅乾、洋芋片、熱狗(這是什麼食物?!)。麵粉並不是白色的 (麥子不是白的,所以麵粉要怎麼變成白色呢...),因此白胖胖的饅頭是要怎麼做出來? 還有芋頭饅頭 (我小時候還滿喜歡吃的...) 我煮過最新鮮最新鮮最新鮮剛從土裡挖起來的芋頭,芋頭的顏色"頂多"是混著不知褐色的淡紫色,所以芋頭饅頭也滿神奇的。還有肉丸、魚丸、貢丸...


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週三做了一個light box。上、左、右各用一盞燈,使用燈箱拍商品照片。小姑和我要一起開一間店鋪在網路上賣手作品。不過週三只拍了1/5,看來要再至少一天半才能拍完所有的商品。


Thursday, August 15, 2013





Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman

Back of the House: The Secret Life of a Restaurant Scott Haas
一個心理學家到有名餐廳做field study,觀察餐廳的運作和員工的態度;讓我對餐廳有更多的認識。

How Children Succeed Paul Tough

The Friday Night Knitting Club Kate Jacobs

Smokin' Seventeen Janet Evanovich

Friday, August 09, 2013

A long day

This was written last Friday. I had one of those break down days. I don't want to deny how bad I felt, as all these are part of the new life. Part of giving myself another chance.

The day finally is coming to an end. After a sleepless night and finally fell asleep on the couch in the study at 5 am, waking up several times in between. With back aches, I crawl back to bed after the smokers left the complex.

I woke up finally at 9 and had a conversation with my brother that I sympathized. With all my heart, I hope he gain the wisdom to solve problems in life that are inevitable.

I wanted to scream.

Then I called my landlord and told him my sleepless night. He was kind enough and said he drop off a ventilation fan for us to suck the air out in the bedroom/blow the bad air away the window. I thank him gratefully. He has been kind to us, and tried his best to address my difficulties with the smokers next door.

I surfed the net and wrote an e-mail to my doctor. Then I burst into tears for the third time this week. The door bell rang and I went to get a package from downstairs. I ran into the neighbor with loud TV and thank him for turning the volume down. He also sympathize my situation. Though it doesn't bother him because he has A/C on 24-7.

Then it was two o'clock. I read, surfed the net a bit more, before cleaning up the kitchen and biked to the library. I sat by St. Mary by the Sea and read when my landlord called and said he'll drop off the fan for me.

I biked home. Installed the fan. Not sure if it will do what my landlord hoped - push the smoke away. It was a kind gesture of him and I knew that I have to follow his lead if I want him to help me fix the problem.

Then I showered, drank soy milk and wait for my husband to come home.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Speed training

I did a mini speed training at the baseball field today. I biked 1 mile to the field; did 7 or 8 rounds of speed training, and biked 1 mile home. It was mini if not tiny, but I was so out of breath and my heart was racing like crazy.

This was the first time that I ever stepped on a baseball field. It felt like being on a baseball field. The next field, three guys were batting. I was not too impressed and also fear being hit by the balls.

I read a few days ago that runners who do not engage in speed training are prone to injury. The argument was that the body is doing repetitive works by the time the performance hit a plateau.

That made a whole lot of sense and is probably one of the reasons why I stopped improving and started having knee injuries. The biking has helped a lot on building muscles and I have been throwing in running once a week (for two weeks now).

I came home and did some post-run yoga with Youtube. I feel refreshed and relaxed now.

My mind was cloggy before I left for training. I was trying to process information I learnt this morning and dissect my feelings. I told my friend, before I left for speed training that -

I feel weird talking about it because this is his/her thing, and I'm afraid that I'll be judging the person. I didn't realize that I am very protective. I fear that the person will get hurt, and I have very conflicted feeling to my fear. I think I wouldn't have this fear in another scenario, and I think it's wrong of me to have double standards.

I have learnt that words are powerful, and can be interpreted very differently. For example, if I say: you will have to face me if you hurt X. The phrase is certainly protective and my intention meant well (also threatening), but it is also signaling that I don't trust X to protect or stand up for him/herself. 

And I feel bad for my parents, who will have to learn, accept, and make changes. I can imagine that this is a shock to them. My dad, who can't even dealt with my illness, has to learn to accept the world in another perspective that he never anticipated. This is like teaching old dogs new tricks. Life is hard as is, why makes it harder.

When my dad couldn't dealt with my illness, I could brush it off (not easily, but still) because I realized that being ill was not equal to failing. I was disappointed at him, but could sympathize with his feeling and frustration. He felt the daughter is no longer perfect and took this personally. While the truth is life is not perfect, it was perhaps difficult for him to accept this fact when for he has been so proud of his creation.

As for my mom, well, I don't know. Sometimes, she has the strength to accept life as is, while other times complaining about trivial and mundane stuffs.

Finally, this really cute song that I like, Cups, performed by Anna Kendrick.
 Now, off I go to drink my dinner (i.e., soy milk with real soy beans), and then to my weekly heart-to-heart session with real Americans.


這週看完了目前到第30天的 40 Days of Dating。這故事是在講兩個紐約客,他們都彼此單身,彼此在感情世界中都有自己的堅持和個性。他們參與一個實驗,決定約會40天。這個實驗有幾個規則,其中包括每天都要見面,一週要約會3次,要一起出去一個週末旅行等。


1. 網頁設計特優
2. 電視上的紐約客故事是真的
3. 單身的生活很刺激,很好玩
4. 單身的感情世界很累
5. 聽他們去這個餐廳那個表演覺得小羨慕
6. 人生要過得豐富
7. 他們對於表達自己的方式都很豐富和有創意 (他們都是做設計的)
8. 我無法像他們那般熱愛工作
9. 紐約好好玩
10. 有點希望被拍成電影

Wednesday, August 07, 2013



(附註: 小綠眼說蕃茄醬非常好吃)





Turning 30

A former college, who will be 30 next week, has been posting lots of 30-related status updates on FB.

She posted an article on Glamour on Olivia Wilde's advice for turning 30. I like Olivia Wilde.

The two advice that I really like from this article:
1. You're 30. Stop dressing like a hobo.
2. DON'T feel pressured to pop out kids

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Living arrangement

I HATE my neighbors. Between the smoking and the TV noises, I just wanted to shoot them all.

The downstairs neighbor turned down the TV last night and while I could still heard some of it, it was tiny that I can't push the issue further. I invited him to my living room and had a nice 15 minutes conversation. Tonight, it was like - hello, I'm pretty sure he turned the volume up slightly.

And the neighbors are smoking outside AGAIN. They have no courtesy.

It's like living in a zoo (a metaphor, I have not lived in an actual zoo). I am so moving next year.

短小精悍 (Seriously!)之帶錯鑰匙爬窗戶記

I went for a run, and ended up running around. 

國中畢業紀念冊上,當時的一個好朋友寫下: 短小精悍。從當時到現在,我一直不確定這是褒還貶,只在心中暗自慶幸自己不是男的。


上週四早上陰雨綿綿,下午天氣放晴,我決定去小跑一下,看看這幾週騎腳踏車有沒有讓大腿肌肉進步一些。我穿了跑步的背心和短褲,頭髮隨便綁了一下,拿了兩支鑰匙就出門了。我開開心心的一邊跑一邊在內心大聲叫著: I love running, love the challenge, love the pain. No pain, no gain. I love love love feeling sweats dripping down and the muscle working, yada yada yada...I am stronger. Move forward, I love the challenge to the body. I love the challenge to the soul.




於是我就跑阿跑的到了房東的私人診所。房東的BMW敞篷車在,可是人不在辦公室。穿著運動背心的我感覺自己沒穿衣服 (I felt half naked),決定不要在私人診所逗留,不如請鄰居載我去小綠眼的醫院拿鑰匙好了。

於是我又跑回去,敲了對面鄰居的門。鄰居是一個高中自然老師,長的比較豐腴。自然老師很爽快的就答應了我的請求。我向他借了一件T-shirt,然後我們就出發了。這件T-shirt應該是對他來說很合身,穿在我身上卻連短褲都看不見了。(這樣算是只剩1/4 naked的感覺)

到了醫院,我請他等我去拿鑰匙。我去了櫃檯,請他幫我page楊醫師。不知怎麼的,楊醫師過了很久都沒回撥。我坐在大廳,覺得很窘迫,雖然穿上了一件t-shirt,不再half naked,但是看不到短褲、穿了運動鞋真的很怪。櫃台的警衛終於看不下去,他打去楊醫師在工作的樓層,然後叫我自己上去九樓的加護病房。

加護病房不是人人都大搖大擺就走進去的,我需要有人幫我開門,然後帶我繞過一間一間的病床。電梯裡遇到一個穿著整齊的OL,他看了我一下。然後我勉強的說: I was locked out...

終於到了加護病房的護理站,護理長說他去幫我叫小綠眼。我站在那邊玩手指,他的同事看著我,我無奈的對他微笑。小綠眼聽到護理長說你太太在這邊,轉頭東張西望卻認不出我來。最後他終於看出那個站在櫃台後面只剩一顆頭的人是他太太。走了過來。我看到他說: I forgot my keys. 他說: then how did you get here? 我說: the neighbor drove me. 他說: 歐。







於是我就開了紗窗,再打開窗戶,然後爬了進去。詹姆士一直說: Don't fall back, don't fall back...

好加在我長得很小隻,因為這窗戶滿小的。然後我一邊跌進屋內,一邊大叫: fuck that 150 dollars.



* * *
後記: 小偷並不好當。要爬進出戶,也要身材對才進得去...


P.S. 我一邊用單手把窗戶往上推,一邊咒罵那每天在隔壁棟抽菸,促使我把窗戶關起來的鄰居門。就是因為他們一直抽菸,又在門口抽,煙味一直飄進我家,害我晚上睡不著,白天一直開開關關窗戶的。 F*** them as well.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Worse days

Today and the past week (and perhaps tomorrow, too) have been some of the worst days in the past eight years. I am sort of back to this uncontrollable emotional state, frighten and anxious over the details of each and every thing occurred. My mind, nose, and ears are extremely sensitive to the environment. Noise and sound, how are they different? Once is pleasurable while the other is irritating?

Here, I hate it. Absolutely HATE this place. The endless residential suburban neighborhoods with scatter stores - Trader Joe's, Whole Food, Home Depot, Kohl's. While some people envy my close proximity to these stores, convenience, and all, I just dislike it. Trader Joe's or Whole Food, they are not priorities in my life.

No good restaurants that I like - and so far we have gone out a few times.

Paying this amount each month and feeling like living in a dump. How is it different from living in the next city, with more crimes than Baltimore?

Here, it's all white. The mind set is white; the world is white.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

全麥佛卡夏麵包 玫瑰瑪利 (迷迭香)

哈,前陣子Apple store大放送,下載了一個 app叫 How to Cook Everything. 好久沒吃佛卡夏麵包,因為之前上班實在太沒心情,在加上現在的房租是包含煮飯瓦斯,所以我就很高興的大煮特煮。

全麥麵粉 3 杯
水 1 杯
橄欖油 2 大匙 (關鍵)

酵母 2 小匙

橄欖油和鹽是關鍵。我買的是kosher salt (no, 這裡的kosher和猶太教沒有關係)。鹽的顆粒比較粗,我覺得味道比精鹽好,比較豐富,不死鹹。

還有另外一個關鍵是食譜上說要先把烤箱用425 F遇熱,然後放進烤盤後再調到375F。這概念在我之前讀過的另一本烘培也有提到,基本上是要讓烤箱打開時溫度不會降低太多。

第三個關鍵是酵母的溶解。我這次很嚴謹的拿了溫度計,將水溫測試確定在100-115 F之間,也是發起來的重要因素。

全麥麵粉有專門的酵母,威力比較猛。我之前用一般的酵母粉發全麥麵粉效果都沒有很好。另外,我現在改一次買一小包裝 (0.45元),一次用完。因為我後來發現,一罐酵母雖然可以用60次,約是7元,但是即使我一週烤一次,酵母也要一年才會用完。更不用說我根本不會一週烤一次,所以酵母在冰箱久了,空氣接觸久,威力沒有那麼好。

