Monday, February 15, 2010

諷刺 [強悍記事] 網路電視公司



因為網路的事情,所以打去網路電視公司。這家公司的員工訓練可能不是很好,也可能是員工不認真。使得不同的客服給我不同的指示。我被用得很不高興,也搞不清楚到底誰是對的,所以要求和他的上司通話,然後在電話中盛怒的劈哩啪啦講了一串。最終獲得一個令人信服的解釋︰Maryland and Virgina 在進行州際整合,因為每州的細節規定有些不同,同時資料還沒完全轉換,所以您(客戶)才會覺得怎麼每次我打進去你們的規矩都不一樣。在這裡像您說聲抱歉。我的名字是歐馬...

好累,星期一早上就這樣花了我30分鐘的時間在電話上進行"structual argument"。這很諷刺,因為結果只是你知道為什麼會發生這樣的狀況。既沒有改變事實,亦沒有人對錯,也沒有更便宜的網路電視方案。



I would like to change to another service provide.

(okay, which one are you thinking of?)

Well, I was thinking of changing to Verizon, because my special promotion is ending and I can't really afford the regular price. The Economy Plan which your company offers is like 1M download speed and I guess it's pretty slow

(yeah it is.)

So I thought maybe I'll just have to switch even though their plan is not as good but it is cheaper. I guess. I mean, I don't want to switch because I really do like your company. Last time I had some trouble with my TV and the technician come fix it really quickly. The speed is good and I just hate changing. But I guess I really can't afford it. You know how it is...

(Yeah, I know. Well there is a retention department, do you know about it? They can give customers like you, who still wants service, but the regular price is a bit too much, like you.)


(Many people know about it, but it's okay. So I'll transfer you over there and you can tell them the same thing that you told me. And they'll be able to help you, okay)

That's great. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

(your welcome)


到了retention department, 是一個叫做Brenden 的男士接的。Oh Hi Brenden, how are you today?

(fine thank you, and you?)

I am good. So I was referred to you by another lady, she told me that you'll be able to help me.

(Sure, what can I do for you?)

So my internet is going to go back to regular price, but I really can't afford it. You know how it is right now, my pocket is tight. I mean, I really like you guys; the service, the people, you guys are so very nice, and I hate to change. But you know...

(sure, okay, let me take a look....okay, I can give you a download 16Mb plan for 39.99 dollars a month. How is that?)

Wow, that sounds really good. Hum....but the thing is I, well, I don't really need something that fast. Do you have something slower, I mean, I am not a youtube girl.

(a you too girl?)


(Oh, youtube!).

Yeah, so ... I don't really that fast. And that's sort of out of my budget. you know how it is right now, the economy and everything...

(okay, well, we have a 12 Mb that's $29.99).

Really?! Oh that's fantastic. I guess you don't have anything that's between 12M and 1M right?

(No ma'ma, sorry we don't).

Okay, I'll take the $29.99. Oh Brenden, thank you so much. Blah Blah Blah.....

所以最後就已比之前多十元的方式獲得了網路。第二通和第三通電話加起來花了我三個小時的時間。因為有時候要等客服接通,也可以等個20-30分鐘。但是之後六個月,每月省13元(跟之前的原價比起來) 。

第四通︰隔天又打了一通。那又是一個很長的故事。簡單來說就是在費用上有個問題,其實是他們的問題,使得我需要多付一個月正常費率的網路。一個African American接的。在電話裡發生一件事,讓我很不客氣的說,

excuse me? this is my problem?

(yes ma'am, you are the one who has to pay more now, so I guess it is actually your problem).

Collin, it's Collin, right?

(yes ma'am)

I think I want to speak to your supervisor.

(sure ma'am, do you mind waiting for a minute, let me transfer)


(ma'am, I don't have a supervisor)

You don't have a supervisor!! what do you mean you don't have a supervisor??

(I mean none of them are available right now...) 然後事情就又搞定了。

1. 我爸曾經說過︰「有時候說話要甜。話又不用錢,真的假的重要嗎? 人家聽了高高興興」
2. 在這裡,有時候他們很奇怪。同一個公司會有很多不同的「說法」。搞得你很煩。再加上電話每次都要接很久,所以真的打一通心情就會很差。但是常常只要你敢爭取你的東西,不厭其煩地,可能大多數的時候都可能成功吧。有時也有很棒的事情,像是我家免費升級的電視。(只不過最近他們都改成數位電視,我還沒買數位盒,所以也看不到,嘆)
3. 不是我愛吵架。我也不知道為什麼常常發生在我身上。
4. 哀,這些事情把我搞得身心俱疲。現在車子排氣的事情也還沒用好...


-- -- --
這樣的專長可以在職場上有什麼用處嗎?我省這些錢和花這麼多時間,到底是練習還是只是一種因為經濟狀況所以被迫做的事? 我總希望我在這些經驗中可以多獲得些什麼。

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