Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Crave & Addiction
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
[回憶]一篇在墨爾本時吃ice cream的心得
回憶]一篇在墨爾本時吃ice cream的心得
我一直都還沒有機會去體驗你說的,在街道上讀詩! 要等天氣再好一點, 雖然快春天了,但是風吹著還是會冷.今天我到河邊去走一走, 恰巧走進一個art market, 經過一個ice cream truck.他標榜是homemade.我就猶豫要不要試試看,本來覺得不該那樣寵自己,後來想想既然是homemade的就試試看吧! 挑了 honeycomb and blackberry兩種口味. 走到河邊的椅子坐下來. 一邊吃一邊有很多年前的回憶. 那種情景很像很多年前我和我爸爸一起出去, 看到art market我都會說我要看因為我很喜歡arts and crafts. 經過很特別的東西如homemade icecream我爸爸就會問我說我要不要試試看. 我就會站在那邊, 看一看有什麼口味, 猶豫跟思考一下,然後可能說好. 我爸爸就會拿錢給我, 等我買完我就會跟他說謝謝, 然後問他要不要試試看.接著他會找一個地方坐下來 等我吃完一邊看看風景休息一下. 當我今天一個人坐在河邊想起這一段時, 我開始發覺這就大概就是長大的過程. 大概就像是我今天這樣: 有一天, 到一個地方, 一個人做一件原本是和爸爸或媽媽一起做的事, 卻發現爸爸媽媽都不在身邊. 然後晚上回到住的地方,開始敘述這一段故事, 這時才覺得 歐好像不再是以前那種不用負責的小女孩. 好像這就是長大的意思,不知道我爸爸媽媽有沒有我這種心境. 不知道他們會不會很難過或是很驕傲? 我有點悵然 總覺得自己還沒準備好還沒同意要長大, 就要去學習去接受似乎不再是14歲的國中生了.小時候偶爾會想長大是什麼意思? 大人是什麼意思? 怎麼變成大人的? 是不是突然有一天有一個人說 "你從今起就要做大人?" 現在我想, 可能就是這樣一點一滴的 自己就慢慢知道了吧!
Monday, December 17, 2007
[Lies and Jokes] candle cake

Craving for sweets; sweet cake, sweet days, sweet clothes, sweet smiles, sweet everything. Some wise old man will say: hey, the rainbowafter a storm. Well, allow me to say this, I don't want rainbow sweets; I just want sweets, and I don't want storm. So there you go, there's me bitching again:P.
The radio station's personal life coach is speaking: look at the positive side of life, say stop; next time you are complaining, remember that you made the shoots, it's I "choose."
Wow, since when does what i write is instantly responded by the radio station and broadcast to everyone online.
Yeah yeh yeh...say stop.
[Abstract Review] Some Economics of Global Warming
By Thomas C. Schelling
The American Economic Review, Vol. 82, No. 1 (Mar., 1992), pp. 1-14
[Abstract Review]
The author discussed the effects on global warming on people, enviornment, economy, and some tackling strategies. The paper started off by pointing out the inappropriate metophar of greenhouse and the name should be replaced by "smudgepot effect". But since it is too late to change the term, it is more practical to focus on the effects on people. People accept discontinuous climate change when they “migrate” from northeast to southest; however, continuous change of climate is unbearable. Additionaly, the media discuss “hotter summer”, but never “warmer winter.” Interestingly enough, people 100 years ago would probably have appreciated a warmer winter.
Business activities such as finance or manufacture are little affected by climate; similarly for healther care, education, or broadcasting. Climate change becomes an issue when it is about enviornment, animals, or argiculture. As some argue that comfort is worth considering, it is fortunately that the models predict a greater impact upon winter. Overall, climate migrates slowly and does not make significant impact on human life unless it is catastrophy.
Nevertheless, global warming is still an ongoing issue. The question is what are the costs of reducing carbon emission? Developed countries have no self-interest in reducing 2% of GNP perpetuity to curtailing carbon consumption. Shall developing countries scarfice their citizins’ welfare and economic development? China accounts for 25% of emissions but expect to increase to 50%. That is a nation with power to make a difference to the world by commiting to a “social contract” for global warming, but will she?
Alternative solution is genoenginnering; for example, remove mature trees and storing them anaerobically; enhancing oceanic photosynthesis by “fertailizing” the ocean with iron; reforstation, or put something in orbit to reflect incoming sunlight and reverse the imbalance caused by greenhouse gases. Schelling believed that if genoenginnering is feasible, international greenhouse diplomacy will be transformed (p. 10).
Schelling stated that the best plan is the Marshall Plan dollars. Unfortunately, there was never a formula for distributing Marshall Plan dollars. Global warming was a problem in 1992; 15 years later, there is still no real solution.
ECON 500500 Reading and Writing in Economics
December 17th, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
We say everyone is unique. This is a simple phrase we hear and say All the time. Easier said than done.
When one of my friend's girlfriend broke off with him, she said that "you don't care for me enough" (a.k.a. you care about yourself, even your ex girlfriends). As I come to know him over the years, that statement is just politically wrong. Though that I was never his girlfriend, I know for a fact that he does indeed care about that girl; he just didn't care for her 'the way she wanted' or maybe, 'to her, that's not enough'.
In GA, Derek and Meredith broke off for similar reasons.
我漸漸了解you can't hope/request/change/ another person's perception of 'caring,' especially in relationships. 而必須了解和信任對方是用他最會/知道的方式對待這份關係。別人可以對我argue說你這樣是鴕鳥的想法,但是我會跟對方說:你又怎麼知道你對他的方法真的是他心目中所期待的呢?
到昨天我才知道經濟學中認定,我們不可以也無法去改變別人的效用函數:illegitimate. 這意思近乎imply說人無法互相溝通而只能利用市場的功能去調節人間的差異。但是無論如何,每個人的效用函數都是unique and unchangable.
--it's a rattling....
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Banana Cake
1 Cup white sugar
90 grams butter
2 eggs
at least 3 small bananas
500 grams flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt (depends on the butter)
1 teaspoon dry vanilla powder
step 1. beat bananas and set aside.
step 2. soften butter and beat with sugar until very very smooth. (you'd wish you have electrical beater)
step 3. add eggs and beat until smooth (you will really wish that you own an electrical beater)
step 4. add bananas and stir until smooth
step 5. shift the rest of the ingredients and then stir lightly (don't stir too much or the cake will be as hard as stone)
Pure into buttered and floured rectangle shape baking pan.
Bake 190 C degree for 30 minutes. When you see the top gold shinning and cracked, put an alumni foil over it. (shinning side out).
Ready when a tooth pick come out clean.
Note: if use the wrong baking pan (like i used a round one, it will take too long to bake and the side will be too hard).
2nd note: I couldn't find unsalted butter so I used salted butter but don't add additional 1/2 t of salt.
3rd note: I used very very ripe banana. It was so ripe that it was all black and watery. It looked disgusting but the cake tasted great.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
[Abstract Review] The Mathematization of Economic Theory
By. Gerard Debreu.
The American Economic Review, 81(1), May 1991, pp. 1-7.
The introduction of Mathematics into Economics in the early 20th century radically changed the analytical methodology and tools in solving economics problem. It profoundly changed the natural of our profession. In the five short decades, mathematics - formulas and derivations, solved economic models with more clarity, generality, rigor, and simplicity. It becomes a “common language” for economic theory. Mathematics opens an efficient scrutiny for logical errors. The great logic solidity contributes to a fast construction of economic theories. Some of which take a comprehensive view of the economic system.
The raising importance of mathematics can be observed from the increasing pages of periodicals, the size of ES, and the graduate admissions. From 1935 to 1977, the pages increased 12 times, from 400 to 5000 pages. 1944 was the milestone for such growth and it was also the year John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern published the Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. The Fellows of Econometrics Society (ES) also contributes to the vast growth. In the 13 research-doctorate programs in US, over 50% of the faculty are ES member. Graduate school also requires proficiency in calculus and linear algebra upon admission. The trend is inevitable.
Physics and economics served some similarity as the application of mathematics benefited the development of both discipline. Abstract concepts were captured through axioms, equations, and calculations. But the experimental feature of physics allowed it to violate the canons of mathematical deduction. Economic theory adhere to the rules of logical discourse, but must renounce the facility of internal inconsistency because its’ lack of experiment base.
The advantages that Mathematics brought are overwhelming. Mathematical analysis in economics is no longer an option, but more or less something that judge your work and career. “The very choice of the questions to which he tries to find answers is influenced by his mathematical background” (Debreu, pg. 5). The danger is whether economics has become secondary, that the strong and solid foundation of economic theory is dominated by the fancy equations and proofs?
The over rely on mathematics is risky if economics theory weakens. It opens a gate for irresponsible models where the equations are fancy but the logics are controversy. For example the causal relationship that is observed in equation: does it really inference a causal relationship or there might be a third cause? This requires careful examinations of economics logics to avoid fallacy.
The allowance for experiment should be developed in economics. Experiment economics is already conducted on micro-level behaviors; it is an alternative tool to examine models or theories. Experiment in macro-level – national economy – is at the moment improbable because the volume is large and cost may be high.
Mathematization in economics is not perfect. It does not capture all of the factors, for example - kindness. But it did have its contribution – a common language for scholars to communicate without misunderstanding.
ECON500500 Reading and Writing in Economics
Abstract review
[Abstract Review] Economics in Action: Ideas, Institutions, Policies
The American Economic Review, Vol. 85, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Hundredth and Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Washington, DC, January 6-8, 1995. (May, 1995), pp. 1-8.
George P. Shultz
Shultz suggested that market mechanism and minimum government intervention will lead to economic golden age. He supported the ending of the Bretton Woods system in the Nixon administration and several tax reform acts in his cabinet jobs.
A economy that emphasis on resource allocation, market- and enterprise-base policu, and education create the private incentives necessary for economic growth. Quality education produces skilled and productive labor that is important for political change and open society. A society open to change is an innovative one.
Shultz’s backgrounds lead him to believe that a change in the exchange rate is crucial. Government intervention will do more harm than good because the global economy and the volume of exchange market is too big to manipulate. Moreover, asynchrony can lessen extremes and maintain the equilibrium as a whole. Besides, there is always new entrant and it is unlikely for any businessman to ignore a market that is full of opportunities. In short, Shultz concluded that “the market will win in the end anyway, and the cost of intervention can be high” (pg. 4).
In addition, he observed the inefficiency in BWI and suggested the two institutions to merge and set out missions to emphasize on encouraging private investment and open trade. Moreover, IMF no longer has a par-value exchange system to monitor, and ideas on development also shifted from public sector dominance towards private enterprise and free markets.
Finally, future investment depends on capital saving. To do so, government should reduce deficit, stabilize political condition, ban corruption, and allow privatization. Privatization is most important because it turns “nobody’s money” into “somebody’s money”.
In short, Shultz suggested that open market and freer trade is the key to society’s prosperity. But I argue that such system of openness and international trade may not be as beneficial or else the world is already in harmony. First, the transformation of society is costly if supporting policies are not well planned. International trade is also costly for the environment. Producing at a lower cost did not take account of the carbon dioxide emissions and global warming effects generated through transporting goods. It also forgoes the idea of energy waste and competition for resources. Although resources, in economics sense, cannot be scarce, but environmental damages is inevitable. Second, private incentives do not always coherent between parties. Government should intervene moderately providing the necessary environment, specifically law and orders. Finally, reviewing the past 5 years, the world economy is in chaos. The code of ethics in business world had vanished into the air. Corruption did not cease. I would think the problem is not in open trade and free market, the key is the ethics issue in capitalism that Marx had predicted. The economy is not at golden age, yet.
ECON 500500 Reading and Writing in Economics
Abstract review
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
要讀文章、寫報告、要口頭報告、要和教授meeting. 數學真是一門天殺的學問,我最羨慕那些從數學系來的人,他們就像是躺著念也可以如魚得水,但是我每次看到模型和公式就想一頭撞牆。
不知道為什麼有個經濟學家認為經濟和醫學有一種相似。我怎麼都不這樣覺得?經濟學並無法解決人類的問題,optimal solution或是Pareto efficiency的存在是很弔詭的。在學問的追求上,有時很孤獨,就像是我無法真正的了解醫學的哲學。
今天拿Perish出來聽,發現跟James Blunt有相同的味道。讓我想到我以前住的光復路2段的神奇桃花源,我學長暈黃的房間、凌亂的書籍、散落滿地的發票,和一個沒有東西的冰箱。
下週起我就要變成國軍英雄的女朋友了。It is so obvious to support a doctor through his training; who on earth supports our soldiers? I so envy those who had already managed through the dark ages, like how when I see those suffering from Eric's lectures, I have this: Thank God It's So Over.
I feel hollow on the commodity consumptions, yet I seriously don't need anything. I just have this urge to hold too many shopping bags and be filled with more commodities than I'll ever need. I really don't need anything, but I wish I can carry Cheery-wine cigar in my bag.
My mind is losing sensible controls and wandering in wonder land.
Mine is just starting....
Monday, April 02, 2007
改變,可以當成是對現實的妥協,也可以是對新事物的學習。就像是 the glass half empty, or half full?
When a life is saved,
What do you sacrifice, to save a life? Is two hours too much?
How do you value, the life you saved and the time you spent?
If you can save a life, of his 60 or 50 or 70 years, save the sorrows of a family, of his father, mother, daughters, brothers and sisters, by simply spending two extra hours, leaving your one girlfriend home, alone; you'd consider it. It seems so much like a worthwhile trade.
It does, doesn't it?
If the responsible intern had been more careful, had been thoughtful, had not careless, you might have saved the two hours; your girlfriend would have been happy. But, he would be dead. The patient may be dead.
dead, as in a corpse in a morgue.
One wonders, how come the careless intern was so irresponsible. Well as insulting as it is, no one can function well (i.e. concentrate, 100% on top of the game) when the only food intake is fruits or colorful vegetables. Let alone a young male doctor.
No one, can function, without carbon or protein.
(so screw the doctor who is so coward to complete his obligated military service, that he rather turn into a tiny matchstick of BMI less than 10.)
But you saved the patient's life. Even if it means staying at the hospital until 11 PM or your girlfriend is so lonely at home or you damn miss your girlfriend and so on.
It's two hours. Yes, it's sadness and disappoints of life, of the crappy life; but today, you saved his life. Maybe in ICU he didn't survive, but at least, at minimum, you tried. You did what you could have done.
Today, like many other day, you saved a life.
(and he almost killed the guy)
what can we say about that.
Every life saved;
every patient, cut;
every wound, sutured.
Loneliness stood in the dark,
but there,
out at the other end - the tears of joys.
And, I, regardless all the tears fell as the rain poured,
can stand this pain.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
1 believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity
• doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile
• contemptuous; mocking
2 concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them
「每個人都有每個人的痛苦,你們看到的是我光鮮的時候,但是當一個名人並不快樂,過去這幾年來,年初一我都在醫院裡過,如果現在我能有機會選擇,我真的寧可選擇過窮小子的日子。」<中時電子報 2007.3.14>
看吧! cynical
Monday, February 26, 2007
人在心情不好時,所有訊息都可以perceive badly。讓人傷心。
Sunday, February 11, 2007
作詞:姚若龍 作曲:柯貴民
知道很傻 還是盼望 妳會出現 送我出發
手機沒響 揹起夢想 一轉過身 眷戀更深
明天 孤單會是脆弱或力量 想念 會解答
沒月亮的海上 妳是我的火光 找到逆風破浪的堅強
愛能到的地方 都不算是遠方 我不怕
有了牽掛 容易迷惘 妳用消失 要我遺忘
我猜我懂 妳的想法 有些深愛 叫做隱藏
我們 掉的淚是感動或感傷 時間 會說話
*回頭望的淚眶 有最亮的火光 選擇離開或許最恰當
妳的愛放心上 隨時都能出發 到遠方 我不怕
Repeat *
妳的愛放心上 隨時都能出發 到遠方 我不怕
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Time, the how and how
Getting better - it takes a long time. And like many things in life, it doesn't come easy and it doesn't happen overnight. It's painful, but you'd still wish to struggle through.
It's painfully painful.
Improvement comes slow. 回想過去的一年彷彿一輪之久。我像是過了12年的漫長日子,而那年終於過了。今年會好一點嗎? 我不知道。但是我也只能期待有一天會變好。
即使每天low low的過,可是卻無比安全。比起把自己放在混亂的世界中轉阿轉,難道我該變成陀螺? 強迫著自己要怎樣要怎樣而最後因為沒有達到而恐慌。那我寧願恐慌成就人生等有具體的項目,但是不是焦慮著。終究沒有所謂一直都會怎樣的道理。