Friday, August 09, 2013

A long day

This was written last Friday. I had one of those break down days. I don't want to deny how bad I felt, as all these are part of the new life. Part of giving myself another chance.

The day finally is coming to an end. After a sleepless night and finally fell asleep on the couch in the study at 5 am, waking up several times in between. With back aches, I crawl back to bed after the smokers left the complex.

I woke up finally at 9 and had a conversation with my brother that I sympathized. With all my heart, I hope he gain the wisdom to solve problems in life that are inevitable.

I wanted to scream.

Then I called my landlord and told him my sleepless night. He was kind enough and said he drop off a ventilation fan for us to suck the air out in the bedroom/blow the bad air away the window. I thank him gratefully. He has been kind to us, and tried his best to address my difficulties with the smokers next door.

I surfed the net and wrote an e-mail to my doctor. Then I burst into tears for the third time this week. The door bell rang and I went to get a package from downstairs. I ran into the neighbor with loud TV and thank him for turning the volume down. He also sympathize my situation. Though it doesn't bother him because he has A/C on 24-7.

Then it was two o'clock. I read, surfed the net a bit more, before cleaning up the kitchen and biked to the library. I sat by St. Mary by the Sea and read when my landlord called and said he'll drop off the fan for me.

I biked home. Installed the fan. Not sure if it will do what my landlord hoped - push the smoke away. It was a kind gesture of him and I knew that I have to follow his lead if I want him to help me fix the problem.

Then I showered, drank soy milk and wait for my husband to come home.


AllenChiao said...

Awww, that sounds really awful, now i am sorry that i argue those stupid stuff with you.

And i'm glad you met some kind people in your place. I believe that they would try to help you whatever they can.

And your place is beautiful, I can't remember when is the last time i see such a beautiful home in taiwan. It couldn't be that bad.

Apple Pie said...

You are welcome to visit.