Thursday, January 05, 2012

Canada Dry Ginger Ale

Canada Dry Ginger Ale

(September 9, 2011). It is very rare for me to drink sodas and I only drink a few of them: Coke Zero (hate regular coke), root beer, and Dr. Pepper. There are a few sodas that I will absolutely not drink – prefer to thirst to death – the orange soda.

My boss LOVES Canada Dry Ginger Ale. This is purely from my observations. He also drinks the orange soda and very occasionally, regular coke. I believe he does not like diet coke but I may be wrong. (This original post was written in September 9, 2011. After 4 months of continuous monitoring (stalker!), I am certain that he DOES NOT drink diet drinks). The best ginger ale I have tasted is from a local pizza shop in Baltimore City, Iggies. Their ale is stored in glass bottles and very different from the mass produced commercial ones.

I don’t think I like Canada Dry Ginger Ale very much. This is the 10th hour into my journey. I believe I still have…23 hours. Horray for advance technology and the “flat” world.

One of my friends is extremely productive while flying. In fact, he sometimes joke all his work is done while on plane. Let’s see how productive I’ll be.

Time forward to January 5, 2012, I randomly stumble into this document. It occurs to me that I had no idea why I entitled this post “Canada Dry Ginger Ale.” In the brief paragraphs above, I made no indication that I was in fact, drinking Canada Dry Ginger Ale (or Ginger Ale at all), while I was writing the post. In fact, I did not even explicitly write that I was drinking soda. I had said “it is very rare,” which means that “in the present, the statement is true.” It is not saying that “I am drinking soda as we speak (or type).” So what was my point? I have absolutely no idea.

Although, I am very certain to say that I was not very productivity throughout the journey. I perhaps had (can barely remember) drank some beers and watched movies. Other than that, I believe the flight was terrible. I had to fight with a middle age women for a seat that I had earn, with enormous efforts.

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