Monday, January 31, 2011

1. 我太小隻
2. 我太小隻
3. 我太小隻


Friday, January 28, 2011


Pear and Ginger Cake

去年感恩節之後,迷上於薑汁和黑蜜糖 (molasses)的香味。試了幾種molasses的蛋糕,但是都過於黏膩。


食譜中用的allspice可用cinnamon, clove, black pepper nutmeg取代。基本的組合是1單位allspice需要cinnamon (1/2) and clove (1/2)。但是也有人加nutmeg and pepper。我就是每樣都用1/4單位。但1/8t實在很小匙,所以就自由心證啦。

小綠眼說很好吃,叫我把食譜留下來 (真難得)

1 1/2 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon ground allspice

1/4 teaspoon salt

2/3 stick unsalted butter

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar

1/2 cup molasses

3 large eggs

1/4 cup grated peeled ginger

1 pear

將烤盤上塗奶油再裹麵粉 (我是用9x13x2

  1. 篩麵粉和乾料
  2. 奶油和水一起融化
  3. 黑蜜糖和糖打勻,加蛋(一次一個)
  4. 加粉類攪勻 (輕、柔、勻即可)
  5. 加入奶油水和薑
  6. 倒入烤盤,把西洋梨隨意排一排
  7. 35分鐘


Sunday, January 23, 2011


People hate to change; I am no exception.

今天不知怎的想幫網誌換新造型,沒想到除舊布新(成語是動詞嗎? 應該是要用"欲"除舊布新嗎?)的下場就是只能選新範本,再也無法(這並不全然是正確的;我可以修改html) 在照片上寫的"Happiness Will Come Through",然後下面接一串"成就快樂巴拉的"。(恩,我嘗試了一小時;青春阿~)

昨天出門洗衣服前開了實體信箱(有個郵差會把信件放入的那種),收到一張明信片。隨便看了一眼,關鍵字: 西岸、happy birthday、merry christmas、寄件人XXX。



這是數月來其中一件令我忿忿的事,但我怎麼這樣計較? 沒有感謝別人的祝福,卻想要在"明信片"上寫 "查無此人" (郵件若有寄件者地址,信件會被退回;但明信片沒有"from: whom and where";想要寫"查無此人"這個衝動足以凸顯我的荒謬。)





2010年 三月 星期五 紫色金剛車壞掉

It isn't really about "a broken car." It is the shock.
To say it was a trauma would be overrated.

I was on the bridge, in the car, and trying to speak. I tried to stay calm but my heart was racing. It isn't even rational. But I didn't know whom I could call for help. The only phone book I have is the numbers in my cell, and there aren't that many numbers.

I sat there waiting for my car to be repaired. The clock ticked and ticked. From 10 to 12 to 2 to 4. I didn't know if I should go ask them or if I should stay put. I didn't know how much they'd charge me. I didn't know how much it would cost me. I didn't know if I have enough money. I didn't know if I don't have enough money, would that person let me leave. I didn't have a credit card.

I remember vividly that I took 100 cash into my purse that morning. I usually don't bring cash with me. I almost brought a camera, just because I thought I might want to take a picture of dad and I at the airport. I didn't wear socks because I figure I would be home soon. I didn't eat breakfast because we left at 5:45. I only had two sips of coffee.

That day was colder than usually.

I watched MTV for 9 hours.

Then we were told that only three cylinders are working. We drove back on 295 and the temperature was too hot. The alert sound keep went off. We were told not to go over 50. When the speed is too low, the car starts tumbling.

Then I called the repair shop. He told me to go to a gas station and check the water. I don't know which is the water tank. We go off the highway, but we couldn't see a gas station. We had to make a decision on which way to turn. It was dark and cold.

Then the car cooled down but we can't get the engine to start and run. We tried and tried. We successfully drove 50 yards, then the engine went off. We were in the middle of a intersection. There were cars behind us. We tried and tried. Then we slide into a residential parking lot. We had to make a decision.

Then i called my auto mechanic's shop but it was answering machine. Then I called his Dad's shop. The number was redirect to his cell somewhere and he couldn't hear me at first. I was afraid that he doesn't know me. But then he probably did.

I called the tow truck. He asked me where I was. I couldn't clearly describe my location. He asked what streets am I on. I ran out the car to check. I told him I am opposite of Harley Davidson Motorcycle. I was outside the car looking at the street signs, Wei was yelling from the window: tell him we are opposite the Harley Davidson shop... He asked for my name and number, told us to wait around 45 to 60 minutes, then we hang up. I called again because I forgot to ask if he can give us a ride back. I also asked for his name. Then we waited and the tow truck came. It was cold. My feet were cold.

It was a fancy tow truck. Not the kind that leave your rear wheels rolling on the ground. The kind that your whole car is on the truck. The interior was fancy. I knew it was going to cost a lot. I didn't have a choice. I didn't ask the price. I knew I didn't have to pay him because the car will be towed to the repair shop and the Dad will bill me later.

What if I didn't bring my cellphone like I usually don't.
What if I didn't have 700 dollars in my checking account to pay for fixing the car a the garage.
What if I didn't have the 100 dollars of cash to pay for the first tow.
What if no one picked up the phone that morning.
What if Susannah hadn't help us find a tow company.
What if I didn't have the number to the Dad's shop.
What if the Dad didn't pick up the phone.
What if my cellphone battery died.
What if Wei's cellphone battery also died.

For the whole day, I ate a piece of bread, a hot dog, a can of root beer, a tiny candy, and two sips of coffee.
I came home at 9:30 and ate pizza and beer.

I am frightened. I can't tell Wei about this. We hadn't been able to get along for two days.