Sunday, August 30, 2009

A letter to Williamsport, Chinese Taipei players

Dear Teens,

Today is a day that you should be very proud. My friends and I sat in a top-floor apartment, overseeing the harbor, and watch you played with the Mexico team. It is very funny; our friend is a Mexican.

It was a very exciting game. We planned on going to Williamsport and cheer, but our car doesn't allow us to travel such a long distance.

We saw every movements over the television, the emotions, the joy, the determinations. The days and hours you spent practicing are paying off. Today, at Williamsport.

The world is big. You came to Williamsport, which is a tiny town in Pennsylvania. You had flew over 15 hours to get here; travelled across an ocean and a great piece of land (mountains and deserts). Before, the world perhaps is on the map; today, you are stepping on it. With pride, with joy, with determinations.

The world is beyond one sport; and a sport career has more than one season. Today, an athlete integrates knowledge and skills. To be excellent is not just pitch and bat and run and stretch; it is an integration of knowledge and skills, of language, physics, math, chemistry, history and so on. And so, I encourage you all to do well at school. Attend class with attentions and do well in exams. Perhaps you are not doing very well right now, but that doesn't mean you won't do well on the next exam or next year. But if you give up now, your academics will be poor for the rest of your life.

You love baseball, you want your career to last. That is fantastic. But remember, just as machines can work for so many years, a car can only be driven so many kilometers, your body can take only "so many trainings". Don't over use your body at a young age. Make your career last. Make baseball part of your life (if you want to), and not a year or three years of your life.

Today, you are a page in history. Your history, Taiwan's history. You are our nation's pride. This is why you have to understand that, by being out here, you are greater and braver than many other people; you are the champions, winning or losing.

Today, you got yourself some fans from Baltimore, Maryland.

Best luck to you all.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

威廉波特少棒 - 到墨西哥朋友家看電視


Friday, August 28, 2009


上週去h mart買菜,看到一種球莖植物。很好奇那是什麼東西,也不知道要怎麼煮。後來看到一個白人小姐買了,我問他要怎麼吃。他說一個是做沙拉,另外一種發法是切絲後加上Parmesan cheese 切絲一起烤。parmesan就是我們一般cheese粉的那種。



茴芹球 一個 (去皮切細絲)
蕃茄 一個 (切丁)
磨菇 八朵 (切片)

麵粉水 半杯到一杯

400度F 烤30分


anise 茴芹

Tuesday, August 25, 2009





最近狂找工作,但是並沒有非常順利。當然是非常競爭,畢竟on campus的機會很少。

就醬 約翰阿