Thursday, June 03, 2010

Day 4: Hoeing and making beds

Today's task was to hoe a piece of land and make beds. The beds are for plants that can be seeded directly (alternative to go plant in small cases and in green house until grown to certain weeks). This is one physical demanding job and at the end of the day, I got five blisters (one of them is almost the size of a dime). Today was also my turn to go water the plants in the green house, feed the chicken, and move their houses.

So there are two chicken homes. Each is 2x2x2 meters wood made cubic. One home has five chicken, the other has nine chicken and a rooster. The homes need to be moved twice a day because they eat the worms and whatever on the ground. I have to give them fresh water and move the super heavy homes (pictures soon).

The piece of land that we make beds is covered by weeds. Some weeds are nasty such as thistles, a mile in a minute, and other random stuffs. Thistles have thorns and they have thick vines and root very deep. It was hard to dig them out. Not all of them are dug out and so I have to be very careful not to sit on one because they are "a pain in the butt."

The green house is very green (really green). It is very humid and hot to the extent that standing inside can make you sweat so bad that you feel like water is pouring on you. So watering for 15 or 20 minutes is like a trip to hell. And I have to visit the green house four times a day. Luckily, no green house for three days.

Nothing at the farm really works like they should. There are "tricks" to nearly every machines. The only reliable objects on the farm are human, thankfully.

P.S. One chick peaked me today. My colleague said she was kissing me.
P.S. 2, I have no muscles.

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