Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Day 2: Strawberry field

The day started early. I was up at 6:20, ate a bowl of cereal and ready to go. The first task was weeding the strawberry field. It was really bad because the field wasn't weeded for a month. A mile in a minute is a type of weed (something I learnt today).

After three hours of weeding, we got to pick strawberries. It was fun for two seconds, but after that it got a little depressing. This is the third batch of berries this season (third harvest) so there aren't that many left and most of them are bruised, ate by bugs, or rotted. A few of them were really big, like the size of pin-pon ball.

The just ripen berries are delicious. They are red and shinny. When you bit it, it is so sweet and juicy. Delicious. I had never tasted anything like that.

Our farm supported 600 people per week. Next Tuesday is the first pick-up. This is a community supported agriculture farm. The operation is people buy "shares" and they receive whatever harvested that week.

Tomorrow we will do more weeding.

Daily schedule:
7: ready to go.
11ish-2: lunch break
2-5ish: work
then free after that

PS. The chicken haven't been lying eggs and we are thinking of eating them.

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